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4 Stellar Questions to Ask in a Game Job Interview (and 2 to Avoid)

"Do you have any questions for us?" It's one of the most-dreaded prompts in a job interview. So be ready for it! In this blog post, we'll share expert tips from a GDC talk on what questions you should have on hand during your game job interview, so you can seal the deal and get that offer letter.

"Do not squander this opportunity," Sonia Michaels said in her GDC 2023 talk. "It is a fantastic opportunity for you to find out more about the position, for you to assess how the people in your interview interact with you and talk about the company. Be aware of all the cues that they're giving you." 

This is part of an ongoing series of advice columns, guest posts from industry leaders, and other resources designed to help game developers in their careers. Read the full series here.

Sonia Michaels, career development coach and consultant, spoke at GDC 2023 on mastering the game job interview. In "'Soft' Skills Are Hard! Acing the Non-Technical Interview Questions," Sonia dives into the finer details of answering questions more about yourself than your skillset. You can watch the full video here, along with her GDC 2024 talk "Build Your Promotability or Honor Your Values? Why Not Both!" We've brought one of her key lessons to you, so read on to learn the questions you should have prepared to ask your interviewer... and which ones you should never ask. 

Are you looking to shine as a game developer and stand out in the crowd? Join Sonia at GDC Showcase this September, where she'll be giving an updated version of her popular GDC 2024 talk! Our two-day intensive virtual event and workshop is all about finding career success as a game developer, featuring several game career experts in a variety of fields. 

Designed for students, leaders, and everyone in between. Only $49! It's happening September 19-20, all online.

Sign Up For GDC Showcase Here (Only $49!)

4 Questions to Ask in a Game Job Interview

1. "How many people are on the team, and who would I be reporting to?"

"Ask about specifics of the role—responsibilities, team size, interactions with other disciplines," Sonia wrote in her presentation. 

2. "What do you think makes a good [insert job role here]?"

According to Sonia, this question is especially effective when the interviewer is in your field—but it's also good to know how other people in the company (especially management) view the job as a whole. 

3. "If there was one thing you'd suggest I learn between now and my start date—if you hire me—what might that be?"

"Show them that you're still willing to learn and that, if there are skills that you don't have yet, you're willing to pick them up," Sonia said.

4. "Do you have any concerns about my suitability for this position?"

Sonia credits Katie Golden of Riot Games and SavePoint Industry Gathering with this one, which she described as her "favorite question ever." According to Sonia, asking your interviewer for their honest feedback gives you a chance to see where you may be coming up short, as well as "get another chance" to explain yourself, your goals, and how you would address their concerns. 

However, this one requires a bit of vulnerability, and you have to be ready to receive their comments. Even if they hurt a little.

"You might not like the answer you hear, in which case, don't blow everything up," Sonia said. "Thank them for their feedback, and then you'll go away determined to come in better prepared next time." 

And Now... the Questions to Avoid

1. "I've heard a rumor that you're working on a secret project, can I hear more about it?"

"Don't ask them about NDA-protected material—unless they have already had you sign an NDA before going into the interview," she said. 

2. "What's the latest with [insert company controversy here]?"

"Please don't ask them to discuss active controveries. If they are in the headlines for big things, don't go, like, 'So how that's harassment thing going?'" Sonia said. "Please use your whisper networks for that. You will all, by this point, have your whisper networks or you will be starting to get them. Ask those questions there."  

Make sure to watch the full video from Sonia Michaels to learn more tips on thriving in a game job interview. And don't forget to join our group of game career experts at the all-virtual GDC Showcase, happening this September! 

Register Here (Only $49!)

GDC is going virtual for its 2024 GDC Showcase, all about career development! For more information, be sure to visit our website and follow the #GDCShowcase hashtag on social media.

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