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Catch a Classic Game Postmortem of FMV chiller 7th Guest at GDC!

In the early '90s the team at Trilobyte pushed through the hard work of building a game around full-motion video to create The 7th Guest, a seminal FMV horror game that sold millions, drove adoption of CD-ROM drives, and paved the way for modern FMV games.

Now, GDC organizers are excited to welcome some of the original development team to GDC 2020 in March for a special Classic Game Postmortem of The 7th Guest! It promises to be a rare opportunity, as three members of the original team - Graeme Devine, Rob Landeros, and George 'The Fat Man' Sanger - will be reunited for the first time in 20 years to discuss the origins and development of this classic game.

It's a historically important topic; video seems commonplace today, but when the game debuted in '93, video on your computer was a spectacle -- and a horror game that let you explore a haunted house and solve puzzles was a must-have upgrade for many PC owners. Attend this hour-long session and you can expect to walk away with a better understanding of the design origins and influences of the game, early CD-ROM development challenges, and development complexities around making a game on a platform that technically didn't exist yet!

So what are you waiting for? Register now for GDC 2020!

Next year GDC 2020 runs from Monday, March 16th through Friday, March 20th. This will be the 34th edition of GDC, and now that registration is officially open, you'll want to take a look at the (ever-growing) session schedule and your GDC pass options -- register early to get the best price!

For more details on GDC 2020 visit the show's official website, or subscribe to regular updates via FacebookTwitter, or RSS.


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