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Come to GDC and learn Pixar's secrets for creating awe-inspiring visuals!

Pixar Animation Studios is one of the world's leading authorities on computer graphics, with a catalog of awe-inspiring and critically-acclaimed films to back it up, and at GDC 2020 you're going to have a rare opportunity to learn how Pixar delivers awe and spectacle with visual storytelling!

This opportunity comes courtesy of Pixar Animation Studios technical director Michael Frederickson, who will be presenting an hour-long talk on "Awe and Spectacle" as part of the GDC 2020 Vision Track, a series of unique talks exploring the impact and future of the game industry!

Expect to learn tips and tricks on creating awe-inspiring visuals, along with the common perceptual markers of an awe experience, and some of the current thinking on why the emotion might have been retained in human evolution. Equipped with this knowledge, attendees will gain a better idea of when and how spectacle can be used strategically as a storytelling tool in their creations. Don't miss out!

Catch this and many other great sessions at GDC 2020, which runs from Monday, March 16th through Friday, March 20th. This will be the 34th edition of GDC, and now that registration is officially open, you'll want to take a look at the (ever-expanding) session schedule and your GDC pass options -- register early to lock in the best price!

For more details on GDC 2020 visit the show's official website, or subscribe to regular updates via Facebook, Twitter, or RSS.


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