The game industry is dominated by men, even though research shows ~50 percent of game players are women, and at GDC Summer this August attendees will have the chance to learn practical strategies for cultivating and supporting women in your own workplace.
Organizers are excited to welcome Avalanche Studios senior producer Victoria Setian to present a cutting-edge Production & Team Management track talk on "Changing the Game: Cultivating Female Talent in AAA Studios."
Setian is a game dev veteran, and she'll give you practical, actionable advice on how to increase the female talent pool, nurture our current female developers, and support their growth into leadership roles via research-backed actions and programs.
You don't want to miss this talk, because Setian will show you how changing the game starts with changing the way we run game projects and studios. Make time to come and hear how you can revamp your development practices with an eye towards a better future.
Register now for GDC Summer, scheduled to take place virtually August 4th through the 6th! For more details on what to expect visit the show's official website, or subscribe to regular updates via Facebook, Twitter, or RSS.