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Come to XRDC for data-driven insights into the AR and VR markets!

Are you coming out to XRDC in San Francisco next month? It's worth your time to come if you have any interest in AR/VR/MR, as this is the ideal place to meet and learn from some of the leading lights of these industries!

For example, Digi-Capital managing director Tim Merel will be there to deliver an Enterprise track talk all about "The Reality of AR and VR: What's Working (and What Isn't) in 2019."

Digi​-Capital has access to reams of useful data thanks to its premier role as an AR/VR market analysis and consultancy firm, so when you attend Merel's talk you can expect to get an earnest look at hard data, analysis and trends covering (among other things) augmented reality (on both smartphones and glasses), the consumer and enterprise virtual reality consumer ecosystems, market and platform leaders, installed bases, revenue, business models, market sectors, countries, regions, fundraising, investors, valuations deal flow, and more! 

Expect to walk away from this XRDC talk with a much clearer understanding of where you can (and can't) make money in mobile AR, smart glasses and VR at a granular level. Hopefully you'll be better equipped to build sustainable businesses where there's money to be made, and to avoid parts of the market where there isn't!

So if you're not already registered to attend XRDC, sign up now at a discounted rate! This year there's an all-new XRDC pass for sale: the Startup Pass, specifically designed to give smaller teams and trailblazing startups a clear path to success at XRDC at nearly half the price of the regular pass!

For more details about XRDC, which is produced by organizers of the Game Developers Conference, check out the official XRDC website. You can also subscribe to regular XRDC updates via emailTwitter and Facebook.


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