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Discover how ZA/UM crafted Disco Elysium's outstanding narrative at GDC 2021

Justin Keenan, one of the writers at ZA/UM who worked on the revered RPG Disco Elysium, will be on-hand at the all-virtual GDC 2021 to talk about shaping the game's outstanding narrative. GDC 2021 takes place July 19-23.

In the session "Disco Elysium: Meaningless Choices and Impractical Advice," Keenan will share some practical advice Disco Elysium's writing team received along the way and how they disregarded it to produce one of the best and most critically acclaimed RPGs of this century.

This talk covers some of the most time-consuming and difficult aspects of Disco Elysium's dialogue and narrative design, and why they were absolutely worth the time, money, and effort. This talk also covers some aspects of ZA/UM's design process, as well as general principles and best practices for branching dialogue design.

You'll gain practical insights into designing organic and highly reactive dialogue structures that you may apply to your own projects. This talk also covers how studios interested in narrative can develop a writer-driven design process.

Now’s the best time to register for GDC 2021. Act now, and you’ll get the best price for this year’s online show!

For more details on GDC 2021 visit the show's official website, or subscribe to regular updates via Facebook, Twitter, or RSS.


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