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Don't miss the GDC Podcast broadcasting LIVE at this year's show!

For the last year, the official podcast for Game Developers Conference has brought you illuminating conversation and commentary from brilliant people in the video game industry.

And at the all-digital GDC 2021 (running July 19th – 23rd), it’s going to keep doing the same—live. GDC attendees will have the unique opportunity to hang out with the GDC Podcast crew as they record five days of episodes cataloguing the highs and lows of the video game industry.

These live episodes will feature unique guests and the chance to ask questions of podcast guests, using the chat feature of Swapcard, the official platform of GDC 2021.

Here’s all the guests you can hang out with during the week of the show:

Monday July 19thGreg Lobanov, creator of Chicory and Wandersong

Tuesday July 20th: Naughty Dog game designer Brian Collinsworth

Wednesday July 21st: Execution Labs CEO Jason Della Rocca

Thursday July 22nd: Thunder Lotus creative director Nicolas Guerin

Friday July 23rd: Arkane Studios campaign designer Dana Nightingale

It’s a week of great guests and great conversation. Don’t miss out! Register for GDC 2021 today.

For more details on GDC 2021 visit the show's official website, or subscribe to regular updates via FacebookTwitter, or RSS.


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