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Don't miss your opportunities to make new friends and contacts at GDC

The 2018 Game Developers Conference is just days away, and that means now is the right time for attendees to brush up on all the ways you can meet interesting new people at the show!

Most notably, the GDC Connect business matchmaking service allows GDC attendees to identify, contact, and request and receive meetings with GDC exhibitors of all kinds, either in exhibitor booths or the special GDC Connect Lounge.

GDC Connect is available to all pass types except Expo, and Expo pass holders can still upgrade to an Expo Plus pass to secure access to this popular meeting tool!

Also, you can find game companies recruiting during GDC by using the "career" filter on the exhibitor list or checking the "Who's Hiring" list on-site. Visit the Career Theater during the GDC Expo to network with potential employers, attend career development sessions, and attend GDC Pitch, where game developers get 5 minutes to pitch to an opinionated panel of investors and publishers. Plus, you can attend the Game Career Seminar on Friday for a full day of content and portfolio reviews.

Plus, in the GDC Play area of the GDC expo floor (which is open in the North Hall of the Moscone Convention next Wednesday through Friday) you can visit the GDC Play Networking Lounge. There, you'll have a chance to meet and chat with representatives of over 20 companies ready to conquer the world with creative, fun, educative, and engaging games. Don't miss it!

If you'd like to relax and chat with other attendees in a more casual setting, make time to stop by some of the great interactive spaces scattered throughout GDC next week!

For example, the always chill Mild Rumpus is back this year, and if you pay their immaculate astro-turf lawn a visit (on the third floor of Moscone West) you'll find a cozy selection of the finest alternative video games and playful digital work.

Also on the third floor of Moscone West you'll find the Shut Up & Sit Down board game lounge, a great place to kick back and relax around a table with your fellow attendees as you play a curated selection of the best board and card games around.

And of course, the most important thing you can do is be friendly, open-minded, and respectful of everyone else at the show!  For more information on GDC 2018, visit the show's official website, or subscribe to regular updates via Facebook, Twitter, or RSS.


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