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Don't miss out on the GDC Puzzle Challenge at GDC Summer this week

As you make arrangements to attend the all-digital GDC Summer this week leave time to check out the GDC Puzzle Challenge, a daily brainteaser designed to get your problem-solving juices flowing!

Each day of GDC Summer, which is happening this Tuesday through Thursday, we’ll release a new puzzle (via the Swapcard event platform we're using to host GDC Summer) themed on a different San Francisco Bay Area game museum.

Per local legend, a magical game token is hidden somewhere in each of Bay Area these museums, and when combined together, these 3 tokens will transform into the mythical Galactic Decryption Coin - universal proof of your puzzle-solving prowess!

Every attendee with a Conference or Discovery pass will be able to check in every day (around 11 AM Pacific) for a new puzzle. Each puzzle solves to an answer phrase which punnily describes how to find the hidden token (you’ll get the follow-up to each part of the story after submitting your answers!)

Teams of up to 3 people who solve each day’s puzzle between 11am and 11:59 pm PT that day will be able to submit their contact info for a chance to win that day’s prize. There will be 3 winners each day. The prizes are:

Day 1: GDC 2020 Varsity Hoodie

Day 2: GDC 2020 Backpack

Day 3: GDC 2021 All-Access Passes

Note that while these puzzles mention real-life locations, there is no need to travel anywhere in the real world to solve them, and any references to objects hidden in physical locations are purely fictional!

For more details on GDC Summer, scheduled to take place virtually August 4th through the 6th, visit the show's official website, or subscribe to regular updates via Facebook, Twitter, or RSS.


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