Passes for this year's Game Developers Conference are still available, and today organizers are proud to announce that the perennially popular Shut Up & Sit Down board game lounge will once again be at the show!
The exhibit, curated by the keen minds behind board game enthusiast hub Shut Up & Sit Down, will offer GDC 2018 attendees a comfortable space to relax and play some of the best card and board games in recent memory.
This year the Shut Up & Sit Down folks will be encamped in a prime spot on the 3rd floor of the West Hall of the Moscone Convention Center, and it will be open to all GDC passholders (from Expo to All-Access) at various points during GDC week, March 19th through the 23rd.
The planned lineup of games available to play is sure to be fantastic, and deeply relevant to game designers working in all mediums. Board and card games will also feature prominently in a handful of promising GDC 2018 sessions, most notably in all the great talks planned for this year's Board Game Design Day!
Taking place over the course of Tuesday, March 20th, the Board Game Design Day will afford attendees the chance to take a deep dive into the art and science of designing non-electronic board (and card) games.
It's a great counterpoint to what you'll see in the Shut Up & Sit Down lounge, and will feature notable talks like "Balancing Mechanics for Your Card Game's Unique 'Power Curve'" from The Pokemon Company's Dylan Mayo and "'Mansions of Madness' 2nd Edition: Postmortem of an App-Integrated Board Game" from Fantasy Flight's Andrew Fischer.
Further details on these and many more announced talks are available now in the online GDC 2018 Session Scheduler, where you can begin to plan out your conference week!
For more information on GDC 2018, visit the show's official website, or subscribe to regular updates via Facebook, Twitter, or RSS.