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GDC 2019 to host a Classic Game Postmortem of Lemmings!

Good news, everyone: Game Developers Conference 2019 organizers are excited to announce that one of the creators of the original Lemmings is coming to the March event to present a unique look at the making of this classic game! 

In this installment of the Classic Postmortem seriesLemmings co-creator Mike Dailly will discuss the creation of the seminal DMA Design puzzle-platform game starring those allegedly suicidal rodents, which debuted on Amiga in 1991 and subsequently appeared on a multitude of other platforms!

Covering both the original title and also its immediate expansions and sequels (including Lemmings 2 and 3), Dailly will look at the genesis of the idea, the refining of the gameplay, and just how the clever game developed into a smash hit for the company and its publisher Psygnosis.

As always, this Classic Game Postmortem will be an hour-long session, so we figured you might appreciate the heads-up so you can keep this exciting talk on your radar! In the months ahead, conference officials look forward to announcing many more GDC 2019 sessions spanning a diverse array of game industry issues.

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