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GDC 2019's new Game Discoverability Day will help you get your game noticed!

The game industry grows bigger and broader every year, and that sometimes make it challenging to get people to pay attention to your work, even when you know you've made it just for them.

That's why next year's Game Developers Conference will debut a special Game Discoverability Day, a full day of talks discussing practical case studies and strategies for PC, console and mobile game developers to help their work stand out amid a sea of games.

It's just one of many focused Tutorials scheduled during the first two days of the March conference, one wholly focused on helping you maximize the chances of as many people enjoying your game as possible.

For example, No More Robots' Mike Rose will be delivering a Game Discoverability Day talk on "Building a Community for Your Game from Scratch" in which he'll share strategies for creating a community from the ground up. This is a rare look at the specific challenges of starting from scratch, when so many marketing/discoverability talks focus on expanding or managing an existing community of fans.

And in "NOTICE ME: The Grind Behind the $272K Funding Success of 'Boyfriend Dungeon'", Kitfox Games' Victoria Tran will give you an inside look at the lengthy work that went into making Boyfriend Dungeon an instant success. How did the Kitfox Games team attract press? Did social media matter that much? How did a 5-person team manage? How did their community help? Let's lift the veil on the numbers and technical aspects behind the indie discoverability grind!

Also, ICO Partners' Thomas Bideaux will be presenting "Crowdfunding Your Video Game in 2019." a session aimed at helping Discoverability Day attendees assess whether their project fits the profile of a successful crowdfunding campaign. Drawing on his own studies of crowdfunding platforms and his contributions to 30+ successful campaigns, Bidaux will also give you a sense of the work that goes into building a successful campaign, as well as a good idea of the current best practices of the space. Don't miss it!

Check out the Game Discoverability Day page for more talks, including looks at acquiring users for mobile games, as well as a how-to guide for getting your PC/console game noticed. 

Further details on these talks and many more are available now on the GDC 2019 Session Scheduler. There you can begin to lay out your GDC 2019, which takes place March 18th through the 22nd at the (newly renovated!) Moscone Center in San Francisco. 

Bring your team to GDC! Register a group of 10 or more and save 10 percent on conference passes. Learn more here.​

For more details on GDC 2019 visit the show's official website, or subscribe to regular updates via Facebook, Twitter, or RSS.


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