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At GDC 2021 you can learn from the incredible art direction of IKEA

What do game developers have to learn from the folks at IKEA? Well how about a look inside the 3D processes they use to build their 3D room sets?

At this year’s all-digital Game Developers Conference (running from July 19th-July 23rd), Sam MacDermot, Tanja Gannon, Fredrik Karlsson and Fredrik Biel will be presenting a talk titled “Art Direction Summit: IKEA: Art Directing the Real World.”

In this talk, the group of speakers will be showcasing the end-to-end journey of one of our 3D room sets from conception to final image---a process that deeply overlaps with how video game developers use the same 3D production tools.

It’s a useful chance to see how IKEA’S processes can help folks in the game development world---and it’s a talk you’ll get to see when you register for GDC 2021.

For more details on GDC 2021 visit the show's official website, or subscribe to regular updates via FacebookTwitter, or RSS.

GDC 2021

Connecting the Global Game Development Community