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At GDC, see how Friday the 13th: The Game was tuned for asymmetrical multiplayer

When you get to the Game Developers Conference in San Francisco later this month you're going to have a ton of cool stuff to choose from -- including an intriguing talk from the devs behind last year's sleeper hit Friday the 13th: The Game.

It's an interesting game because it asks players to engage in asymmetrical multiplayer matches -- one player takes on the role of the iconic Jason villain, and the others play camp counselors seeking to thwart him. In his Design track talk "'Friday the 13th': Design and Balance for Asymmetrical Horror" game director David Langeliers will explain how the team designed and tuned that asymmetrical balance.

He'll dig into how the team worked to make a Jason player feel extremely overpowered, and the large team of counselors feel very under-powered, while still having the experience feel fair for both teams, and scary for the counselors while staying true to the source IP. You won't want to skip it!

For more details on this and all other announced talks head over to the online GDC 2018 Session Scheduler.

For more information about GDC 2018, which runs March 19th through the 23rd, visit the show's official website, and subscribe to regular updates via Facebook, Twitter, or RSS.


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