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Get inspired at GDC Summer's Experimental Gameplay Workshop

Game Developers Conference organizers are excited to confirm that a perennial GDC favorite, the Experimental Gameplay Workshop, will take place this August during the all-digital GDC Summer!

Part of the GDC Summer Design track of talks, the Experimental Gameplay Workshop is a fast-paced, game-packed session in which panelists showcase a selection of intriguing prototypes made by innovation-minded game developers from all over the world.

By demonstrating games that defy conventions and traditions in search of new genres and ideas, this session aims to ignite the imagination of all game makers. Come see what's happening in the world of experimental gameplay, and be inspired!

This talk promises new perspective on the process of designing games in the hyper-popular match-3 genre, and you can see it and many more by registering for GDC Summer!

For more details on GDC Summer, scheduled to take place virtually August 4th through the 6th, visit the show's official website, or subscribe to regular updates via Facebook, Twitter, or RSS.


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