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Get practical advice on how to run a hit-less indie studio at GDC 2019

Can a small game studio survive and thrive without a big, successful


The answer is yes, of course, but it's a common and thorny question, one that will be unpacked and examined by a trio of experienced indie studio leads at the 2019 Game Developers Conference next week in San Francisco!

In a special Independent Games Summit session on "How to Run a Studio Without a Surprise Hit" speakers Christopher Langmuir (Anemone Hug Interactive, Inc.), Theresa Duringer (Temple Gates Games) and Tanya X. Short (Kitfox Games) will share real talk about running small game studios without a surprise hit.

In a series of 10-minute microtalks the trio will (respectively) cover how to get client work and how to balance it against original IP development, how to support game development through hardware and IP partnerships, and how to grow a studio's fanbase to have increasingly successful titles and bootstrap that development with crowdfunding campaigns.

It's all incredibly useful and relevant information for anyone releasing games in today's market, especially if you're involved in a small studio yourself, so don't miss it!

Further details on this intriguing talk and many more are available now on the GDC 2019 Session Scheduler. There you can begin to lay out your GDC 2019, which takes place March 18th through the 22nd at the (newly renovated!) Moscone Center in San Francisco. 

Bring your team to GDC! Register a group of 10 or more and save 10 percent on conference passes. Learn more here.​

For more details on GDC 2019 visit the


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