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Get Ready for an Outstanding Day 4 at GDC 2023

We've reached Day 4 of GDC 2023! If you’re feeling a bit tired from last night’s incredible IGF and GDCA ceremony, we’ve got what you need to make it a fantastic Thursday at the event.

The GDC Expo opens at 10:00am today. Head over to take a look at our amazing sponsors and exhibitors. You can also check out the GDC Play finalists and alt.ctrl.GDC alternative controllers, as well as stop by GDC Arcade Play to play some classic games. 

Be sure to head over to Room 2002, West Hall at 12:45pm today for our special event, Extra Lives: The Live Experience—an interactive Audience RPG featuring several classic video games... and a live band!

You can pick up your badge between 8:30am and 6:00pm at registration, located in South Hall, Street Level. Be sure to complete your registration and log into Swapcard so you can start learning and networking. 

Sessions start at 10:00am today. If you’re still building your schedule, check out our GDC Session Guides, organized by discipline. We also wanted to highlight a few sessions you shouldn’t miss out on as you continue your week:

Case Study: Creating Realistic Facial Motion for 'The Quarry'

Location: Room 3016, West Hall
Time: 10:00 am - 11:00 am

Description: "This deep dive into the Digital Domain facial pipeline will entice developers to think about new approaches to solving human performances onto digital puppets.

The Cinematics of 'Horizon Forbidden West'
Ismaël Auray (Cinematics Director, Guerrilla)

Location: Room 3016, West Hall
Time: 11:30 am - 12:30 pm

Description: "Horizon Forbidden West is one of the few games that showcases a colossal 22 hours of cinematic content across an open-world game. This session shares an exclusive breakdown of key scenes, principles, and tools the project used to sustain a high-visual fidelity across the experience."

GDC Pitch: Day 2

Location: GDC Industry Stage, Expo Floor, South Hall
Time: 12:45 pm - 1:45 pm

Description: "Five GDC Play studios have been selected to pitch their games to an opinionated panel of investors and publishers, in front of a live audience (no pressure!)."

Ship This Ship! Art Direction on the Ships of 'Skull and Bones'

Location: Room 301, South Hall
Time: 2:00 pm - 2:30 pm

Description: "In this session, Andie Sulistio, Associate Art Director at Ubisoft Singapore, will present the visual direction of the ships in Skull and Bones."

Game Design for Inclusion Beyond Representation

Location: Room 2006, West Hall
Time: 4:00 pm - 5:00 pm

Pass Type: All Access Pass, Core Pass
Description: "In this session, four designers will share their personal lessons learned and paths forward for developing their inclusive games, including Boyfriend Dungeon, Mask of the Rose, and Spirit Swap."

For more great sessions to check out today, be sure to visit the full GDC 2023 schedule in Session Viewer! And if you're still in need of a GDC pass, you can register for GDC 2023 at on-site registration prices.

GDC is happening now in San Francisco, March 20-24! For more information, be sure to visit our website and follow the #GDC23 hashtag on social media.

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