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Get useful game dev insight from Google, Facebook, and more at GDC 2018

Heads up, game makers: Game Developers Conference organizers would like to quickly let you know about some of the great day-long sponsored developer days taking place at GDC 2018 next month!

These developer day sessions take place during the first two days of GDC (Monday and Tuesday, March 19th and 20th) and offer cutting-edge insight and learnings from some of the top players in the industry.

For example, Google is back once again this year to host a full day of fresh insight, announcements and discussions. Make time to check out Google's dev day talks and you'll learn about new product announcements, as well as tools and opportunities for game developers to build high quality, engaging experiences for a growing global audience.

You'll also get key insight into how to best use the Google Play console pre- and post-launch, as well as learn how ARCore allows you to create augmented reality games for Android. Expect to learn how to build real world games using Google Maps and hear Google's plans to make machine learning more accessible to mobile developers.

After that, consider checking out Facebook's sponsored day of dev talks, which opens with an overview of the day before diving into a deep look behind the scenes of the company's Instant Games platform, and how you can use it to achieve success as a game developer.

The company will also share learnings on how to best succeed with HTML5 mobile games, and how you can best ues Facebook to cultivate a healthy community around your games.

If you're a 3D texturing whiz, you should focus on Allegorithmic's sponsored dev day, which is all about how to use its Substance 3D texturing software. The company's top experts will show you what's new with Substance, how you can use it to best achieve your goals, and how the tech has been put to use in high-profile games like Middle-earth: Shadow of War and Wolfenstein II: The New Colossus.

Last but certainly not least, we want to make sure you don't overlook the Khronos Group Developer Day, sponsored by The Khronos Group. This non-profit, member-funded consortium is sponsoring a full day of insight into cutting-edge graphics tech, specifically what's new with the Vulkan ecosystem.

The Khronos Group has also sponsored a bunch of great talks and panels featuring top engineers from companies like AMD, Epic Games, Google, and others sharing best practices for using Vulkan on Android, for adopting Khronos' OpenXR standard for your VR and AR games, and much more. If you love nitty-gritty tech talk, this is right up your alley!

For more details on these sessions, as well as all the other great talks taking place at GDC 2018, head over to the conference Session Scheduler. For more information on GDC 2018, visit the show's official website, or subscribe to regular updates via Facebook, Twitter, or RSS.

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