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Here’s why you should check out day two of GDC Showcase

The second day of GDC Showcase is about to begin. If you haven’t checked out our all-free, all-digital event yet, there’s still plenty of reason to do so! You can connect with speakers, ask questions of talented game development veterans, and connect with the sponsors whose technology powers your game.

Below are a sampling of the great events happening today on the Swapcard platform. You can watch for free just by registering here.

At 9AM PT, Unity is kicking the day off with an incredible display of games and game development technology in its first sponsored session.

At 10AM PT, the folks from Velan Studios, the company that brought you Mario Kart Live: Home Circuit, are breaking down their business model and how it made the remote controlled, Nintendo Switch-powered Mario Kart game possible.

At 12:30PM PT, Obsidian Entertainment narrative designer and game director Carrie Patel is doing an Ask-Me-Anything session to talk about the art and craft of narrative design at the studio.

And at 1:30PM PT, The GDC Podcast is recording another fantastic live episode with Spelunky creator Derek Yu.

There’s more to see at GDC Showcase today! Check out the full schedule to learn more, and don’t forget to register (for free!) so you can watch live.

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