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Here's More on Closed Captioning Options at GDC 2022

The Game Developers Conference 2022 has been working diligently to ensure the virtual portion of this year’s event is accessible to attendees in need of audio accommodations. Here's what you need to know about closed-captioning services for our remote sessions. 

All of our video-on-demand sessions included in the virtual pass will have closed captions available by March 30 at the very latest. While watching on-demand versions of these talks, you will be able to choose between English, Japanese, Spanish, and Mandarin subtitles.

In addition, our virtual roundtables—including Building a Game Audio Community in Latin America RoundtableMaking Games for Kids Roundtables, and Hot Desks to Sweatpants: Hybrid Work Roundtable Day 2—will feature the automated closed captions function in English through Zoom. Please make sure you have downloaded the latest version of Zoom.

Our livestreamed sessions will not have closed captions while they're live, but they will have closed captions in multiple languages available by March 30 at the very latest. 

The virtual platform will be open through April 1 at 5:00pm PT, but don't worry if you miss a session! All-Access Online Only pass holders will have GDC Vault access through July 1 to catch up on any sessions they missed or want to watch again. 

GDC is happening in San Francisco, March 21-25—registration is still open! For more information on GDC 2022, including our virtual options, be sure to visit our website and follow the #GDC22 hashtag on social media.

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