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Immerse yourself in the future of AR/VR training & education at XRDC!

Top talent from across the fields of augmented, virtual, and mixed reality will be at XRDC in San Francisco next month, where you'll have a chance to study the cutting edge of how this tech is being used to help people learn.

XRDC is the premier conference for augmented, virtual, and mixed reality innovators, focusing on use cases for immersive experiences across industries entertainment, healthcare, education, training, industrial design, brand experience, and more.

These are youthful industries, but we're already seeing some remarkable applications in a diverse array of educational endeavors. On XRDC's Enterprise Training & Education track of talks you'll find some standout examples, including a great talk on "VR Training Use Cases: BMW to American Football." In it, STRIVR's Ginny Willis and Rosstin Murphy will showcase four real and diverse use-cases for training in VR: American pro football quarterback training, BMW factory floor mistakes, nursing interactions, and soft skills empathy training.

To help devs see what works and what doesn't, the pair of VR experts will rate VR training techniques such as hidden objects and choose-your-own-adventure on effectiveness in various situations, compare spherical video and CG as mediums, and discuss lessons learned from working with big clients!

Attend XRDC 2018 to learn about immersive games & entertainment, brand experiences, and innovative use cases across industries.

Also, longtime BioWare dev turned VR studio Ractiv founder Jonathan Perry will be giving a great talk on "Performance Under Pressure: Simulating Stress in VR Training." The Ractive CEO will showcase how VR training is being used to train folks for complex and dangerous tasks in a safe space; according to Perry, by simulating stressful environments and distractions, VR training can help inoculate users against the effects stress and adrenaline have on performance and decision making when performing under pressure in the real world.

His XRDC talk will explore cutting-edge research on stress in training and dig into a variety of techniques for adding stress to simulated VR scenarios as a way to improve skill retention and performance. Don't skip it!

Plus, there will be a great session from the folks at unconventional educational startup Foundry10 (backed by Valve's Gabe Newell) that's all about "Designing VR Content with Students in Mind."

Presented by Foundry10 cofounder/CEO Lisa Castaneda and researcher Anna Cechony, this talk will walk you through the findings from Foundry10 applied studies conducted with over 3,000 adolescents using VR in educational settings. Drawing from direct, observational and interview data as well as anecdotal stories, these findings will be shared in a way that's very relevant to developers, educators and researchers.

If you're at all curious about how VR can be used to augment and improve education, you'll want to make time for this talk, as Castaneda and Cechony will be focusing on how users are processing information, especially content designed for learning, and how cognitive load, proximity, audio, student trust in developers and perspective impact student experiences with VR!

XRDC is happening October 29th and 30th in San Francisco at the Westin St. Francis Hotel. Now that registration is open, you’ll want to look over XRDC passes and prices and register early to get the best deal!

For more information about XRDC, which is produced by organizers of the Game Developers Conference, check out the official XRDC website. You can also subscribe to regular XRDC updates via emailTwitter and Facebook.

Gamasutra, XRDC, and GDC are sibling organizations under parent company Informa


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