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Learn how AR is transforming businesses and increasing ROI at XRDC!

Companies around the world are improving their business and increasing their profitability with new augmented reality technologies, and at XRDC in San Francisco this October you'll have a unique opportunity to see how!

That's because Scope AR cofounder and CEO Scott Montgomerie will be there to present an exciting Enterprise track talk on "Show Them the ROI: How AR is Transforming Decades Old Business Processes to Deliver Impressive Results."

Make time to see this talk, because you'll get case study examples of early Fortune 500 enterprise adopters of AR and the return on investment (ROI) they're seeing. Examples will show how AR is positively impacting the bottom line, including how organizations such as Lockheed Martin has improved overall worker efficiency by 42 percent and reduced the time it takes to interpret work instructions by more than 95 percent, how Unilever has reduced equipment downtime by 50 percent, and how Prince Castle has achieved a 100 percent success rate of accurately diagnosing a problem and needed repair the first time.

You'll also learn how AR can significantly enhance real-time knowledge transfer, and walk away with specific steps for how you can implement AR within your organizations.

So register to attend XRDC now and claim access to a ton of great content at a lower price than you'll pay at the door! This year there's an all-new XRDC pass for sale, the Startup Pass, which is nearly half the price of the regular pass and specifically designed to give smaller teams and trailblazing startups a clear path to success at XRDC.

For more details about XRDC, which is produced by organizers of the Game Developers Conference, check out the official XRDC website. You can also subscribe to regular XRDC updates via emailTwitter and Facebook.


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