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Learn to make better, more accessible games at the GDC 2018 UX Summit!

With weeks to go until the 2018 Game Developers Conference, organizers want to quickly let you know about some of the great UI/UX design talks taking place during the March conference!

Each of these talks is part of the excellent GDC UX Summit, one of eight that will take place Monday, March 19th and Tuesday, March 20th at the Moscone Center in San Francisco, CA -- the first two days of the conference.

GDC Summits talks are great because they're hyper-focused on one specific area of game design. For example, in "'Halo Wars 2': A UX Postmortem" 343 Industries' Max Szlagor will review the trade-offs and successes of designing great controls and experiences for two very different platform audiences (console and PC).

Check out this talk and you'll walk away with an understanding of how establishing solid design and UX pillars can help focus game dev teams and specialists working around the world to deliver a compelling, approachable experience across multiple platforms and input options.

And in her talk on"Triple-A Gaming While Blind" EA Sports accessibility lead Karen Stevens will walk you through how gameplay without sight is currently possible for many popular EA titles, including UFC, Need for Speed, NHL, and Madden NFL.

She'll also describes steps taken to improve the experience of EA's blind audience, and seek to give you greater awareness of how individuals with blindness play games -- and ways their experience can be improved.

Plus, Epic Games' Jim Brown will be delivering a talk at the UX Summit on "Bridging the Gap Between UX Principles and Game Design" which promises to be great. He'll discuss the intersection between game design and UX, and outline some unexpected ways that the two disciplines can work together to improve the overall gameplay experience.

If you want to gain insight into how the basic principles of UX can be applied in game design to create engaging game environments, systems, and experiences, don't miss this talk!

For more details on this and other sessions taking place at GDC 2018, head over to the conference Session Scheduler. For more information on GDC 2018, visit the show's official website, or subscribe to regular updates via Facebook, Twitter, or RSS.


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