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Learn from Microsoft and other industry leaders in the GDC Summer Sponsor Showcase

The online platform where we'll be hosting GDC Summer next month is filling out with attendees, speakers, and sponsors, so now's the time to start planning out who you'd like to meet and learn from!

Don't overlook all the industry leaders who have signed on to sponsor this all-digital GDC Summer; in addition to the sponsored sessions some of them are presenting to help you make and sell games better, you'll have the chance to meet and chat directly with their representatives in the GDC Summer sponsor showcase!

Available August 5th and 6th, the GDC Summer sponsor showcase is a unique digital hub where you can easily keep track of who's available to meet with and what they offer.

Sponsors will have virtual booths you can visit to get a better understanding of their products and services, contact a representative, or book a meeting!

Some sponsors will also be presenting GDC Summer sessions to help you better understand how to best use their products, or introduce you to their latest cutting-edge work.

Microsoft, for example, will be presenting a cool GDC Summer sponsored session on Reinforcement Learning for Collaboration in Modern Video Games aimed at game developers with an interest in state-of-the-art machine learning and artificial intelligence, and their potential for game development.

Microsoft Research and a partner studio will announce a new research collaboration that explores the potential of new AI techniques (such as deep reinforcement learning) in games. This talk demos their latest results in a team-based game, which is a perfect testing ground for reinforcement learning agents trained to collaborate. Make time to check it out, and you can expect to walk away with a high-level technical overview as well as tips and tricks for making reinforcement learning work in gaming applications!

For more details on GDC Summer, scheduled to take place virtually August 4th through the 6th, visit the show's official website, or subscribe to regular updates via Facebook, Twitter, or RSS.


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