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Please consider being a part of the GDC 2019 Sock Drive!

GDC exists because of the power of community.

Every year the game industry gathers here to share knowledge and support, and this year organizers want to build on that uplifting atmosphere by inspiring attendees to help others in need.

To that end, we are holding a sock drive for St. Anthony’s Foundation. It’s a small act that we hope is impactful to our greater community of San Francisco!

Why socks? A decent pair of socks is a small but significant gift which helps address a huge need in the homeless community. New socks can be uplifting, improve one’s health, and provide a welcome feeling of comfort and warmth.

Want to help out? It’s easy: Bring a new pair of socks to GDC later this month and leave it in one of the donation bins. The ideal socks are men’s or women’s warm wool socks, preferably black, gray or another dark color (they don’t show the dirt like white socks). Cotton crew socks with reinforced toes and heels are also ideal.

Donation bins will be located in the North Lobby, South Lobby, the exhibition level, and West Lobby. Check out the Joy of Sox for more information on the positive impact of socks!

For more details on GDC 2019 (which runs March 18th through the 22nd) visit the show's official website, or subscribe to regular updates via FacebookTwitter, or RSS.


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