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See a rocket scientist apply learnings from the space program to AR dev at XRDC!

AR/VR/MR innovation extravaganza XRDC is just a few months away, and organizers want to make sure you don't overlook a particularly exciting talk that you'll have access to when the show kicks off in San Francisco this October.

Titled "Risk Assessment in XR Design: Stolen from the Space Program", this XRDC Innovation track talk by game designer and former rocket scientist Jim Toepel aims to show you how the failure-mitigation techniques of the aerospace industry can be applied to individual AR products and the industry as a whole.

This promises to be fascinating, as Toepel will introduce the concept of failure modes and effects analysis in the context of manned spaceflight. After sharing those learnings, Jim will apply them to the broad challenges facing AR platforms and products as well as provide examples on how FMEA guided the design process of Mindshow and his other early AR design efforts with Kinect. It's a one-of-a-kind talk you won't want to miss!

XRDC takes place this October 29th and 30th in San Francisco at the Westin St. Francis Hotel. Now that registration is open, you'll want to look over XRDC passes and prices and register early to get the best deal!

Register for XRDC by tomorrow, July 27th to save $500 with code B500 -- this limited time offer gives you $100 off in addition to the $400 in savings with the early registration rate.

For more information about XRDC, which is produced by organizers of the Game Developers Conference, check out the official XRDC website. You can also subscribe to regular XRDC updates via emailTwitter and Facebook.


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