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See Death Stranding's AI deconstructed at GDC 2020!

Kojima Productions' high-profile debut Death Stranding is defined by the many challenges players face in traversing its perilous landscapes, and few devs know that better than the team responsible for the game's AI and pathfinding systems.

Register now for GDC 2020 in March and reserve your opportunity to learn firsthand how they pulled it off, as Kojima Productions' Eric Johnson will be presenting a promising "'Death Stranding': An AI Postmortem" session as part of the GDC 2020 AI Summit.

Since Death Stranding is set in an Iceland-inspired, post-apocalyptic United States, a core focus of AI development was simply finding a way to support agents that could reliably and believably traverse the game’s unapologetically unforgiving landscape. Come and learn about the strategies used to coax natural movement out of a brutal, fragmented navmesh, techniques to improve tactical positioning across extreme terrain, the hybrid pathfinding approach used to provide long-range navigation through the game’s winding crevasses, terraces and ravines, support for traversal across dynamic, player-placed structures such as bridges and ladders, and more!

Next year GDC 2020 runs from Monday, March 16th through Friday, March 20th. This will be the 34th edition of GDC, and now that registration is officially open, you'll want to take a look at the (ever-expanding) session schedule and your GDC pass options -- register early to lock in the best price!

For more details on GDC 2020 visit the show's official website, or subscribe to regular updates via Facebook, Twitter, or RSS.


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