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See how Media Molecule architected the code Dreams are made of at GDC!

The creative team at Media Molecule have built something truly special in Dreams, a game where anyone can make their own game and share it with others, and at the Game Developers Conference in March they'll share a rare look under the hood that you won't want to miss!

That's because the code driving Dreams is custom-built to its unique demands, and in a special Programming track talk on The Architecture of 'Dreams' Media Molecule's Liam de Valmency will walk you through exactly how it all works.

Check out this talk and you'll enjoy a tour through the current Dreams code base, highlighting useful code patterns, tricks, and systems that have allowed the game to be shipped in a stable form, while still allowing for flexibility and iteration in response to the changing needs of Dreams players.

Marvel at previous iterations of the game's code; thrill to the sight of how the code has been designed to support a broad range of user-generated content; you'll pay for a whole seat, but when you find out how the programming team have adapted their processes throughout Dreams' development, you'll only be using the edge!

Register now for GDC 2020

Next year GDC 2020 runs from Monday, March 16th through Friday, March 20th. This will be the 34th edition of GDC, and now that registration is officially open, you'll want to take a look at the (ever-growing) session schedule and your GDC pass options -- register early to get the best price!

For more details on GDC 2020 visit the show's official website, or subscribe to regular updates via FacebookTwitter, or RSS.


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