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Share your hard-won expertise at the GDC 2020 Art Direction Summit!

If you're an expert in some aspect of game art production and want to share what you've learned with your colleagues, Game Developers Conference organizers invite you to pitch your best idea for a great GDC 2020 Art Direction Summit session!

You've still got more than a week to submit, but hurry: submissions close Monday, September 30th at 11:59 pm Pacific Time!

If you're not familiar with the Art Direction Summit at GDC 2020, know that it's a full day of talks completely dedicated to art direction and broader artistic vision.

Come see the leading artistic forces of the industry share their experience and raise the most important issues of the day. Learn a ton about what really matters in art, and how to build or support a vision and make friends doing it. There will be a wealth of concentrated art-specific information from the top minds of the industry that should be interesting not just to newbies and students, but seasoned professionals who are concerned with pressing issues of the day and industry realities.

New friends who are also passionate about game art are welcome. The Art Direction Summit advisors welcome all submission topics related to art direction for games, so don't delay -- submit today!

This and all other GDC Summits, as well as VRDC at GDC, will be held March 16-17, 2020 at the Moscone Convention Center in San Francisco. The Game Career Seminar takes place in the same location on Friday, March 20th!

So if you want to speak at a GDC 2020 Summit, submit your talk now! For more details on the submission process or GDC 2020 in general visit the show's official website, or subscribe to regular updates via Facebook, Twitter, or RSS.


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