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Vote now for the 2018 IGF and Game Developers Choice Audience Awards!

Game Developers Conference organizers are excited to announce that online voting for the Audience Awards for both the 2018 Game Developers Choice Awards and the Independent Games Festival Awards is now open through next Monday, February 12 at 11:59pm PT!

Please help spread the word! Public votes will help determine the winners, which will be announced live during the ceremonies on Wednesday, March 21st, as part of the Game Developers Conference in San Francisco.

The ceremonies are available to attend for all GDC 2018 pass-holders and will be livestreamed on the GDC's official Twitch channel at 6:30 PM PT beginning with the IGF Awards, followed by the GDCAs.

Anyone who would like to vote for the GDCA and IGF Audience Awards can cast their votes using the links below. Voters will need to select the finalist/game they are voting for, along with a valid email address.

Cast your Audience Award vote in the 18th annual Game Developers Choice Awards!

Vote for one game to win the 20th annual Independent Games Festival Audience Award!

The Game Developers Choice Awards are the leading peer-based video game awards show celebrating the industry’s top games and developers. The IGF Awards honor the most innovative and exemplary projects in indie game development.

Each year, both award ceremonies recognize the creativity, artistry and technical genius of the finest developers and games.

For more information about GDC 2018, which runs March 19th through the 23rd, visit the show's official website, and subscribe to regular updates via Facebook, Twitter, or RSS.

Gamasutra and GDC are sibling organizations under parent UBM Americas


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