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We’ve prepped a bevy of developer Q&As for your benefit at GDC 2021

Game Developers Conference has long been known for its excellent library of talks, and in the last year we’ve been expanding those sessions with a number of new Q&A interview formats.

At this year’s all-digital event (running July 19th – 23rd), you can expect a number of great different interview formats with different levels of interactivity that will give you a new and unique way to learn from some of the game industry’s greatest minds.

These interviews have been broken out into three different format sessions for our online event. Here’s a look:

Fireside chats: In these dev-on-dev interviews, you’ll be the fly on the wall as talented developers talk shop and speak openly and authentically about the challenges of game development. In these talks you’ll see:

GDC Podcast Live: The GDC Podcast returns with another week of live recordings, where Gamasutra editors Kris Graft and Alissa McAloon grill guests about their about their personal experiences making games and other related topics.

Ask Me Anything (AMA) Sessions: Our Ask Me Anything sessions put you, the attendee, in the interviewee seat, as notable game developers sit down to take your questions about whatever’s on your mind.

The first of these AMA sessions will be with Kate Edwards—she’s the Executive Director of the Global Game Jam, the former head of the IGDA, and the CEO of Geogrify; a culturalization consultancy dedicated to broadening developers’ global reach. As the format indicates---you’ll get to ask her anything!

GDC 2021 is less than two months away, and we’ve still got more great interview sessions for you to check out in the weeks to come. Stay tuned and be sure to register for GDC today to get the best price on your pass for this year’s show!

For more details on GDC 2021 visit the show's official website, or subscribe to regular updates via FacebookTwitter, or RSS.

GDC 2021

Connecting the Global Game Development Community