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At XRDC you'll learn how VR is radicalizing drug design at nanoscale

Virtual reality is finally seeing meaningful adoption in healthcare and other industries, and at XRDC in San Francisco this October you'll have a rare opportunity to see exactly how cutting-edge researchers are using VR to design new drugs -- at nanoscale!

Specifically, in a promising Healthcare track talk on "A VR Tool for Interactive Pharmaceutical Design at the Nanoscale" University of Bristol researchers Mike O'Connor and David Glowacki will present present Narupa, a remarkable open-source VR drug design tool.

Register for XRDC by August 7 to save $500 with code B500 — this limited time offer gives you $100 off in addition to the $400 in savings with the early registration rate.

This VR software pairs high-performance computing with rigorous physics simulations to allow researchers to visualize and interact with the nanoscopic world, and enable them to intuitively reason about complex molecular structures and design new drugs at nanoscale.

Nanotech and pharma research involves studying domains which cannot be perceived with human senses. As such, XR technologies, combined with cloud computing and open source standards, have transformative potential at the cutting edge of nanotech and pharma.

Increasing the impact of XR in nanotech and pharma will require close contact between XR software/hardware engineers, and nanotech researchers; make sure to check out this XRDC talk so you can be right there on the bleeding edge of this work: you'll learn about the unique challenges of working with VR for pharmaceutical and nanoscale design, ranging from cloud computing and machine learning to the design of new data gloves, and the aesthetics and sonification of an invisible microscopic world!

This is just one of the many exciting, inspiring sessions planned for XRDC at the beautiful Fort Mason Festival Pavilion in San Francisco, so sign up now to reserve your spot a great price!

This year there's an all-new XRDC pass for sale: the Startup Pass, specifically designed to give smaller teams and trailblazing startups a clear path to success at XRDC at nearly half the price of the regular pass.

For more details about XRDC, which is produced by organizers of the Game Developers Conference, check out the official XRDC website. You can also subscribe to regular XRDC updates via emailTwitter and Facebook.


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